
Showing posts from June, 2013

See ya, old sport

Witsarut Jongpakdee-aksorn. So... Yesterday was pretty much his last day in Big Rapids. We went to Michigan's Adventure and The Moras' barbecue party. It was a really good day. But still it was pretty sad though. I woke up in the morning with one thought on my mind, "Oh shoot, is this really the last day I could see him? I'm not even gonna see him anymore  tomorrow. Is this even real? Is this really happening?" I used to silently judge people on the movie or television when they were being extremely sad, crying a river, and stuff. But now I understand, there are some conditions when it's acceptable to cry uncontrollably. I'm not that kind of over-emotional person and I hate crying in front of people. Well, but lately, I saw a part of me that I'd never seen before in my life. I cried, a lot. I used to cry silently. Just tears running through my cheek, no sound, no shaking shoulders. Just tears and that's all. But lately, I cry like a ba...

See ya, Oda

Oda and I So... Yesterday was Oda's last day. Oda ini adalah seorang exchange student dari Norway. Pendiam, tapi sebenernya gila. Cantik, tapi paling bisa bikin weird faces. Awkward, tapi paling bisa bikin kita nyaman sama dia. One of the closest friends I have here. Crossroads Exchange Students 2012-2013 Kemarin tuh Andy Duddles (bukan andy kwan) bilang, "Foreigners this year are like... the best. Very close to each others and to Americans. The biggest group we've ever had, the closest one we've ever had, the most colorful one we've ever had. That's why, it's really hard to let go of you guys. Seeing all of you crying for Oda today is just...sad." Spirit Week! Jack, Oda, Polly, and I. Jadi inget pas Oda dan Polly sleepover di rumah gue. Itu bener-bener yang namanya curhat semalam suntuk, rahasia-rahasia kecil keluar semua, ngakak cekikikan sampai-sampai Amanda harus ngesms gue 3 kali untuk ngebuat kami mengecilkan volume. It was ...

Senior Send-Off

Future economist, cardiologist, and teacher. Hello, dunia! Asaan teh udah lama enggak blogging. Hari ini tuh harusnya gue enggak usah ke sekolah lagi karena kemarin udah graduation, tapi terpaksa harus tetep ke sekolah karena alasan yearbook dan... *garuk-garuk lantai* *brb crying myself to sleep* Kyle (my host sister's boyfriend) and I Di postingan ini, gue bakal nyeritain sedikit tentang senior send-off karena memang entah mengapa, senior send-off itu berkesan habis buat gue. Gue enggak nangis sih, no asians did cry (read: Jack, James, and I). Entah karena it's just simply asian thing atau emang kaminya aja yang enggak sensitif sama sekali. Bisa-bisanya enggak nangis di send-off. Kebangetan... Gerardo, Rene, Polly, and I. Disturb-the-peace buddies. <3 Gue jalan bareng Gerardo di senior send-off. Tuh, bocah yang di paling kiri, yang matanya belo... Doi emang salah satu sahabat terbaik gue selama di sini dan doi berasal dari Mexico. Sebelum senior send...