See ya, Oda

Oda and I
So... Yesterday was Oda's last day.
Oda ini adalah seorang exchange student dari Norway. Pendiam, tapi sebenernya gila. Cantik, tapi paling bisa bikin weird faces. Awkward, tapi paling bisa bikin kita nyaman sama dia. One of the closest friends I have here.

Crossroads Exchange Students 2012-2013
Kemarin tuh Andy Duddles (bukan andy kwan) bilang, "Foreigners this year are like... the best. Very close to each others and to Americans. The biggest group we've ever had, the closest one we've ever had, the most colorful one we've ever had. That's why, it's really hard to let go of you guys. Seeing all of you crying for Oda today is just...sad."

Spirit Week! Jack, Oda, Polly, and I.
Jadi inget pas Oda dan Polly sleepover di rumah gue. Itu bener-bener yang namanya curhat semalam suntuk, rahasia-rahasia kecil keluar semua, ngakak cekikikan sampai-sampai Amanda harus ngesms gue 3 kali untuk ngebuat kami mengecilkan volume. It was just one of the best nights ever. Girls time, sometimes that's all what we need.

At the prom.
Black sheep. Gelar gue buat Oda. Jadi, bisa dibilang Oda itu berbeda. Kece abis. Mulai dari hal-hal yang kecil kayak selera musik. Jadi kami itu lagi di rumah Leo dalam rangka api unggun dan hang out the whole day, terus the music was playing dan She Will Be Loved pun terdengar. Everyone was singing. Then Oda, dengan wajah polos dan suara khasnya, berkata, "I've never heard this song before."
*mind: blown*

Future economist and cardiologist
Gue itu orang yang enggak suka nangis di hadapan orang lain. Lebih seneng nangis sendirian di atas kasur di malam hari sembari berusaha untuk tidur. Bahkan di senior send-off, gue enggak nangis sama sekali. Karena gue mikir, "I'd still see all of these people tomorrow anyway." Tapi kemarin, pas Oda's leaving, gue bener-bener yang namanya nangis tuh bener-bener nangis...

Last day at the park.
But, don't ever say goodbye. Let's just say, see you later. Soalnya kami semua janji bahwa kami bakal ketemuan lagi suatu hari nanti. At least 5 years from now. That would be so much fun. So, see ya Oda. Thx for be a really great buddy, the one who always listens, the one who cries and smiles for me, the one who cares. I love you, Oda. Keep in touch and see ya later, my Norwegian girl.

See ya, Oda


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