the letters

i just finished writing up some letters
so when i finally decide to do it,
my last words have already written in those letters

but first,
let me say that, hey, it has been a long time i havent written anything in here haha
why? because i was getting better for the past two weeks
i could finally sleep
i could finally eat
i could finally... mm, meet and talk to people?
alright for the last one i really, really, really have to put so much efforts to do so
i still tremble and feel suffocate when i meet and talk to people, even my closest ones
but hey, i gotta do it, right?
gak peduli segimana sakitnya, i still gotta do it

and then, for the past one week,
it all came again
the anxiety, the depression,
it is creeping me all over again
it is eating me all over again from the inside
but hey, once again,
gak peduli segimana sakitnya, i still gotta do it
gue juga sebenernya enggak enak badan dari Kamis pagi
muntah-muntah dan beler deh pokoknya haha
dan kalau lagi gak enak badan gini,
indeed the anxiety and depression strikes me even harder

for the past two weeks,
the dark clouds that have been with me for the past three years actually start to disappear little by little
the suffocation still stays
the weight still stays
the tremble still stays
the voices still stay
but, it all became a little bit bearable

but then,
stuff happened,
kalau orang awam lihat, it is just silly trigger, kok
but it hits me, hits me so hard, very hard

that i came back to the point where,
'oh, true, my conditions and my feelings are never valid. and im just a pile of shit that only bring sadness to people all around me.'

bullshit orang yg bilang bahwa the physical pain, apalagi the psychological pain we all have is valid
because it is not, and it will never be valid

mbak ika keeps telling me to open up to people
but whenever i do that, i always, always end up getting crushed even harder than before
to the point when i just cant see the end of the tunnel anymore
why? because im just never valid

so i just would like to say that
when i finally decide to do it
the letters,
my last words,
are on my laptop

and that i know that im just a pile of shit
that dont even deserve a place in this world


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