i have nobody

i feel lonelier each day
every night, i get more lonely than ever
the medicine indeed helps me to be more functional as a human being, you know, to sleep, eat and interact with each other like a normal human being, but the loneliness creeps even deeper every night

and i have no one to share it with
i have nobody to talk to
i have nobody who would understand the pain
i have nobody who loves me

if you ask me if i still have suicidal tendencies, indeed i still do
i still think about ending my life at least like 50 times every day, (lol i dont know how many times, because i simply think about it all the time)

i am just so lonely
and i feel like everyone will be better without me
everything will be better without me
nobody loves me anyway
nobody needs me anyway

i want to die
i really want to just disappear
what's the point of living if i have no one to share anything anymore

every time i am thinking about death, i feel peace
every time i think about cutting my veins or overdosing myself, i feel like that's the only option i have

every time i think about ending my life, i feel like that will bring happiness to every one

nobody loves me anyway
nobody needs me anyway
so when i disappear, it will be the best thing to do


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