alasan bertahan?

alasan bertahan?
apa ya...
aku hampir gak punya alasan bertahan sih, kalau aku boleh jujur.

mungkin lebih ke...
aku takut ngerepotin dan takut making a fuss aja kalau diriku pergi
ribet kan, harus ngurus ini itu. mungkin bakal making a fuss juga dan (ujung2nya) bikin repot orang2 terdekat, kan...

karena aku gak mau liat mama nangis
gak mau liat mama sedih
tapi, toh selama ini aku memang udah sering bikin mama sedih
so maybe she will be better without me, kan?

mas adib,
apa dia bakal sedih?
aku gak tau
but he is indeed a very great man
jadi, mungkin dia akan sedih paling lama satu hari
dan besoknya dia udah biasa lagi seakan enggak terjadi apa2
life goes on anyway, kan?
so of course he will be okay and my departure will be just such a small inconvenience for him
i dont even know, apakah selama ini i have ever matter for him
kalau aku, i do love him, very much
he will always be the person i love the most and the one who matters the most for me
i love every single part of him; even all his imperfections are amazing for me

while, me, i indeed do have seasons
ada masa2 di mana semua terasa seperti musim gugur
i lose my leaves, my flowers, and here i am with only my root
i am trying, really trying to get better for the past three years
tapi pasti capek, kan, harus membersamai orang yg sedang sakit, membersamai orang yg masih harus berobat
so i wont blame him if he only like my flowers but dont like my roots
because it is indeed so ugly and exhausting to be with, kan
so yes, he will be better without me, kan?

my friends,
aku cuma salah satu dari sekian banyak teman2nya teman2ku
so of course my departure will also be just such a small inconvenience for them  because life will go on anyway
so yes, they will be better without me, kan?

it's just...
everything is so suffocating in here
i cant breathe. i cant sleep. i cant eat
so why do i even bother to be here

ending it all seems peaceful for me
because, indeed, everyone will be better without me, kan

life will go on anyway
with or without me
it doesn't matter
people will move on quickly
and just continue to live
because, indeed, everyone will be better without me, kan


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