about crying for help

beberapa kali mbak ika pernah tanya, "siapa yang tau tentang kondisi kamu?" atau "kenapa kamu gak pernah ceritain kondisi kamu ke orang lain?" dan jawaban saya adalah, "aku gak suka cerita-cerita tentang kondisiku. lebih baik langsung ke professional aja. it is true, it took me two and a half years to finally tell someone else [other than mbak ika] tentang kondisiku. why did it take that long? it is because i dont like telling people about it. why didnt i like telling people about it? yesterday i found a tweet that answer that question perfectly, which is:

yes, the problem with a cry for help is when people answer.
i totally understand that most people who never have clinical depression, anxiety or suicidal tendencies will not understand how it feels, and of course i don't hope them to understand. none of it will make sense for them, and will only make them exhausted if they force themselves to understand. that's why, in my opinion, pretending to be okay and forcing myself to be functional is far easier than asking for help [which means i have to tell people about my condition].

what they don't understand is how all those mental health problems i mentioned above makes it very difficult for me and other people who have the same condition to do even simple tasks and activity. and, indeed, talking about my condition itself takes a whole lot of energy. telling this to professional aja udah take a lot of energy [i often have to stop to gather my breathe and energy, or to stop trembling], apalagi telling this ke orang awam...

that's why, it is easier for me to write it all down
my blog doesn't judge, but it is there for me to throw it all up

i know, it must be so nice to have someone who i can tell about everything. maybe that can help me to heal faster as well. but i don't want to be troublesome, and i know it must be exhausting for them if i talk to them about all these.

so for now, writing it down is enough for me

just kidding, of course it is not enough

but what else can i hope for


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