reasons to stay alive
- i dont want to make my mom sad
- i dont want to be bothersome
- pemakaman, tahlilan, mahal
- i dont want to make my husband even more angry
- harus bantu biayain kuliah mas adib
- udah janji mau ngeumrohin nyokap
- harus nemenin mas adib di oz, it is hard to live all alone there
- i miss my husband. i just want to see him and hug him one more time
- i dont want to be bothersome
- pemakaman, tahlilan, mahal
- i dont want to make my husband even more angry
- harus bantu biayain kuliah mas adib
- udah janji mau ngeumrohin nyokap
- harus nemenin mas adib di oz, it is hard to live all alone there
- i miss my husband. i just want to see him and hug him one more time
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