the voices

there are several reasons why i cant sleep
but it is more likely because the voices inside my head is getting louder, and louder
then all of those make me cant breathe and give me huge headache

do you guys know the feeling of wanting to shout for help?
like, my face can be expressionless or smiling or laughing to people but deep inside i really want to shout for help
but, i hate telling about my condition to people because it takes so much energy and even more anxious
based on my experience [with myself], people with anxiety will never like telling people about how they have anxiety because it will make them more anxious and even cant breathe
same with, people with depression will never like telling people about how they have clinical depression because telling all those need a lot of energy
same with, people with suicidal tendencies will never like telling people about how they have suicidal tendencies because telling all those will trigger the thoughts and the make the voices inside their head scream louder

i am just tired
but besides all these mess in my head, i sometimes think about my husband,
how i really need to be in his arms and having him telling me that it is all gonna be alright and how someday i will get better

i really am considering to take sleep pills,
so i can sleep
or should i just take many of them at once,
so i can just fall asleep forever
will i finally be at peace, then?


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