
selama seminggu terakhir, gue udah mulai bisa tidur [well at least i can fall asleep past midnight jadi paling enggak i get 4 hours of sleep every day]. tapi semalem, the awakeness came again, i cant sleep. once i fell asleep, i woke up at 01.30 am. then i just stayed like that, wasnt able to get back to sleep

honestly, it frustrates me so much. i miss those days, when i just can fall asleep easily.
i miss my husband. i feel like i can fall asleep easily if he hugs me.
i hope those days, when i can fall asleep easily, can come back to me soon.

if you guys have experience sleeping problems, you guys know how exhausting and painful it is. gue pernah juga punya sleeping problem, yaitu ketika semester pertama kuliah, but then i can overcome it. even though it sometimes came back selama gue di RK, tapi enggak sesering dulu ketika semester pertama.

but now it came again, more often and more intense.
it is indeed so exhausting.
it makes you dont want to wake up anymore once youre finally able to sleep.


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