antara retweets dan like

so yes i use twitter quite a lot since 2011. and one thing that i realize is, my account is exactly the same as i am. kenapa?

karena apa yang ingin gue tunjukkan ke dunia dan apa yang sebenarnya gue rasakan adalah dua hal yg sangat berbeda.

di twitter, sesuatu yg kalian retweet akan muncul di timeline followers kalian. misalnya kalau gue ngetweet atau ngeretweet tentang bts, itu akan muncul di timeline followers gue.

beda halnya dengan tweet yg kita love. tweets tersebut enggak akan muncul di timeline followers kita, dia cuma akan stay di list likes kita. dan, i believe gak ada orang yg iseng ngecek tweets yg gue like hahaha soalnya gue bukan selebtweet

these are the kind of tweets i retweet

and these are the kind of tweets i like

and many more, all listed on the tweets i like on my twitter account. i love how i can be completely honest on the tweets i like because i know nobody cares about it because it doesnt appear on the timeline


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