what it feels like

"Depression can make colors seem less vivid, food seem less flavorful, and days seem less meaningful. Your vision is narrowed. You internalize thoughts of “never enough” and unworthiness.
You’re not able to see the joy of living anymore. As Andrew Solomon once said, The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality. In his book, Noonday Demon, he describes depression like so: It is the aloneness within us made manifest, and it destroys not only connection to others but also the ability to be peacefully alone with oneself.
What he’s hinting at is loneliness. It’s the sense that you are alone in your suffering, and your ceaseless self-torment can make even the simplest functions of life unbearable. There is no rest. Not when you are your own worst enemy.
With self-knowledge, you come to see the very brightest aspects of your personality. And you become familiar with your darkness. Depression makes it so that you have tunnel vision: somehow, you aren’t able to see yourself past your failings. You don’t see anything in life beyond its many tragedies, beyond the cruelties inflicted onto people who most certainly do not deserve to be abused in such a way.
You feel helpless. You feel powerless to change the way you think and feel. Depression’s grip on you is so strong that it causes you to forget who you are and what you live for. People can become suicidal when they feel overwhelmed by everything around them or by the voices in their heads. Everything seems so loud and suffocating. They lack hope for the future, and they see suicide as the only solution. It’s sort of a tunnel vision where other options seem useless."


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